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When uterus or womb lost its original position or dropped from its normal place into the vagina or birth canal, causing the condition known as a Uterine Prolapse.

Types of Uterine Prolapse:

  • First degree uterine prolapse (the bottom portion of the uterus enters the vaginal canal)
  • Second degree uterine prolapse (the uterus enters the lower portion of the vagina)
  • Third degree uterine prolapse (the uterus protrudes through the vaginal opening)


Women who have a uterine prolapse whether its first, second or third degree may cause symptoms such as:

  • Feeling like you are sitting on a ball
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Increased discharge
  • Problems with sexual intercourse
  • Pelvic Pain
  • Reflection of uterus or cervix, out of vagina
  • Pulling or heavy feeling in pelvis
  • Constipation
  • Recurrent bladder infections
  • Urinary frequency
  • Backache
  • Difficult bowel movements
  • Rectum bulges

Uterine Prolapse Causes:

There might be few more reasons to suffer with Uterine Prolapse as:

  • Damage to supportive tissues during pregnancy and childbirth
  • Complex labor and delivery
  • Loss of natural hormone estrogen
  • Repeated straining over the years
  • Weakness in the pelvic muscles with advancing age
  • Condition of post menopause
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Major surgery in the pelvic area
  • Excess weight lifting
  • Being Caucasian
  • Smoking
  • Chronic cough
  • Increased pressure in the abdomen

Mokshak’s Therapy in Uterine Prolapse

Mokshak Ayurveda’s Uterine Prolapse Treatment is most reliable and herbal powder or decoction has excellent result. We use decoction or kwath of “Vipareeta Karani” for uterine prolapse patients. Mokshak’s decoction or kwath usually mixed in two glass of water & boiled this mixture till the time remaining one glass of mixture. After cooling or Luke warm the mixture, patient has to take half cup of this mixture twice in a day when stomach is empty and take a rest 20-30 min. in supine position. Mokshak’s Herbal decoction or kwath is quite tasteless & stinks free. Mokshak’s decoction or kwath is most effective in Uterine Prolapse and result might be observed within few days or months depends upon the severity of uterine prolapse. We observed in many cases that results found within few days without any kind of adverse effect. Mokshak Ayurveda or Herbal Treatments success ratio is higher than other treatments in terms of cost, time, convenience & long-lasting effects.

We have seen most cases in our clinical practices, uterine prolapse applications given by Mokshak Ayurveda, instantly stops the progression of uterine prolapse as well patient feels quite comfortable in pulling feeling in pelvis, constipation, rectum bulges and backache. Mokshak’s decoction or kwath prevent to spread the infection and other common complications such as excess discharge, unusual bleeding, recurrent abortion. Mokshak’s decoction or kwath is most powerful to boost female fertility (Prajasthapan) in an ayurvedic way. Mokshak’s decoction or kwath is more powerful in Gastrointestinal Diseases (GIT); Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) & Abdominal Aortic Pulsation and it reduces harness of abdomen. Mostly admired feature of our Mokshak’s decoction or kwath, it is also completely safe during pregnancy period.

Mokshak Ayurveda or Herbal Treatment is completely safe but we need to take care few precautions during treatment & we recommend to avoid regular consumption of tea/ coffee, spicy food, alcohol or smoking, muscular relaxant, antidepressants, clearing treatment. Often we also recommended doing some specific physical exercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles and ligaments & reducing excess weight.

Uterine Prolapse Treatment Comparison b/w Modern & Ayurveda

S.N. Modern Treatment Ayurveda Treatment


It comprises surgical & nonsurgical treatment e.g. Estrogen Therapy, Pessaries, Hysterectomy, Uterine suspension

It comprises Physical Exercise & Mokshak's Decoction or Kwath


Cost is very high

Low in Cost or Very Economic


Pessaries, Hysterectomy, Uterine suspension have its own adverse or side affects

No Adverse Affect at all; it also helps to cure Gastrointestinal Diseases (GIT); Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) & Abdominal Aortic Pulsation


Uterus or womb completely removed under surgical treatment; so no chance to plan children in future

100% Natural & emphasis to strengthen pelvic floor muscles and ligaments


Surgical treatment is very painful

Painless & Soothing


Modern treatment are hormonal misbalance prone

Most Reliable without disturbing hormones


Body usually smell due to Conventional Medication

Stink or fragrance free and tasteless medication


Low percentage of success

Quite Good Results within few days or months


Pessaries, Hysterectomy, Uterine suspension have risk factors.

Most Safe Treatment


Not safe in Pregnancy

Most safe in Pregnancy & prevent recurrent abortion.


Complex Medication & Applications

Simple & Convenient Applications


Oral Pills, Injections & Sometimes required Surgery

No Injections; No Surgery