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Alopecia Areata also known as Spot Baldness or Hair Loss which is an autoimmune disease. By suffering from Alopecia Areata.

Physical appearance is most crucial to believe in him/ her-self when we join any social gathering, parties, jobs, interviews, friend circle and warm moments. To avoid awkward moments, we need to take care of our hair which is really an integral part of our smartness & self-confidence. Alopecia is the general medical term for Spot Baldness or Hair Loss. Alopecia is most common disease in all age group of people children, teenagers, adults, men & women.

Types of Alopecia

There are many types of Spot Baldness or Hair Loss with different symptoms and causes. A brief summary is being given below:-
  • Alopecia Areata (AA)
  • Alopecia Totalis (AT)
  • Alopecia Universalis (AU)
  • Alopecia Barbae
  • Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA)
  • Scarring Alopecias (Cicatricial Alopecias)
  • Traction Alopecia
  • Anagen Effluvium
  • Telogen Effluvium
  • Trichotillomania

Causes of Hair Loss

  • Hereditary Reason
  • autoimmune disease or disorder
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Endocrine problems
  • Hormones Misbalance
  • Prone to allergies or atopic dermal ailments
  • Cancer Treatments
  • Certain prescription medications
  • Diabetes or Down's syndrome
  • Ring Worm or Skin Disease
  • Long term Illness
  • Pregnancy
  • High Fever
  • Sever Injury
  • Age Factor
  • Menopause
  • Hair Abuse e.g. Color, Hair Style, Dryer, Vigorous brushing or Pulling hair, Stiff & Chronic Massage, Irregular Shampoos, Hot Water etc.
  • Fungal Einfections
  • Rapid Weight Loss
  • Anxiety, Stress & Worry
  • Uncontrollable Dendruff

Human Reactions

Alopecia is not a curse and it is curable. it is not painful, it does not make you feel sick, and it does not result in serious health problems. You cannot spread it to other people. Alopecia is not contagious.

Alopecia can be challenging up to some extant who have the disease and for their families. Although Alopecia impact people socially, emotionally & psychologically, there are some common experiences among who are suffering with the same.
  • Alone & Isolated
  • Sadness & Hopelessness
  • Anger & Embarrassment
  • Shameful & Frustrated
  • Grief & Guilt to be genetic
  • Fear to wear a wig
  • Fear to be identified & pronounced in awkward manner
  • Fear to be found out diseased
  • Fear to loss self image
  • Social Phobia - Avoiding Social or
    Professional gathering
  • Lacking Confidence
  • Comprehend Him/ Her-self unattractive or repulsive

Mokshak Herbal Therapy for Alopecia

Alopecia Areata is an auto immune disease which exact medical cause is not known till the time or its idiopathic (No reason found) and No therapy can guarantee that a patient will remain symptom free for the rest of the life. However, Mokshak Ayurveda or Herbal Treatment is most reliable & herbal therapy is quite long lasting. We use totally 100% herbal oils & paste which are most effective for the re-growth of hairs. We observed in many of cases that results found within few months with lowest rate of recurrence of Alopecia Areata. There are no adverse effects during the herbal treatment. It’s not such kind of disease which spread from one to another. Mokshak Ayurveda or Herbal Treatments success ratio is higher than other treatments in terms of cost, time, convenience & long-lasting effects.

We have seen most cases in our clinical practices that re-growth of hairs may start with soft white or creamy or dull and thin hairs but eventually that hair texture and pigment becomes natural or black after some time.

Mokshak Ayurveda or Herbal Treatment is safe during pregnancy as well dietary supplements, multivitamins, Allopathic or homeopathic treatment may be continuing as per the wish of patient. We don’t recommend any kind of oral pills or smelling ointments or injections. We use only herbal oils & creams for Alopecia Areata patient which applications are quite convenient & appreciating.

Alopecia Treatment Period:-

The prognosis for Alopecia Areata is complex. Symptoms or cure time varies person to person. We suggest to all such patient to live positive & to be passionate during the treatment. No patient should assume rapid results because any therapy (Modern or Traditional) takes minimum 2 to 6 months to be cure even it also depends upon the chronic level of disease. Alopecia totalis & Alopecia Universalis is more complex than patchy Alopecia or baldness of hair loss. Alopecia totalis & Alopecia Universalis known as the extreme stage of Alopecia, accordingly it takes quite more time to be cure around 2 to 4 years.

Comparison b/w Modern & Ayurveda

S.N. Modern Treatment Ayurveda Treatment
1. It comprises all kind of Oral Medication, Topical Corticosteroids, Composite Medication, Topical Immunotherapy, PUVA Therapy, Hair Transplant, Biologics Therapy, Acupuncture It comprises all kind of 100% Herbal treatments with Oils & Paste including Vitamins & Proteins Supplements
2. Cost is very high Low in Cost or Very Economic
3. Higher Side- Adverse Effect No Adverse Effect
4. Different Chemicals, Steroids, topical corticosteroids, injections or sometimes surgery etc. used 100% Natural
5. Very Painful Painless
6. Most Uncomfortable Treatment Most Convenient Treatment
7. Body usually smell due to Conventional Medication Stink or fragrance less
8. Low percentage of success Quite Good Results within few months
9. Risky treatment e.g. Allergic Reactions, swollen lymph nodes, permanent damages to hair follicles, Prone to Skin Infections etc. Most Safe Treatment
10. Relepse is more frequent & fast just after stopping treatment. Mostly long lasting Results
11. Complex Medication & Applications Simple & Convenient Applications
12. Oral Pills, Injections & Sometimes required Surgery No Oral Pills; No Injections; No Surgery

Case Study 1


After 15 Days

Case Study 2



After 2 Month

After 2 Month

Case Study 3


Small Hair After 3 Month

After 6 Month